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Pydantic and Parameters#

Tsdat makes use of Pydantic to support automatic validation of the yaml configuration files. This means that each customizable class type in Tsdat that can be specified in a yaml file extends a Pydantic base model object. To facilitate consistent format and validation checking of parameters, all Tsdat objects should include a Parameters inner class inheriting from pydantic.BaseModel. This means that if you create a custom object (such as a custom DataReader) then your class should include a Parameters inner class as shown in the following example:

import xarray as xr
from tsdat import DataReader
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra

class CustomDataReader(DataReader):
    """Data reader that can read from *xyz* formatted-data files."""

    class Parameters(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid):
        """If your CustomDataReader should take any additional arguments from the
        retriever config configuration file, then those should be specified here.
        custom_parameter: bool = True  # <- Use Python type hinting to validate the type when loaded from config

    parameters: Parameters = Parameters()

    def read(self, input_key: str) -> xr.Dataset:
        return xr.Dataset()

The following object types all support custom parameters via the same mechanism shown above:

  • tsdat.DataReader
  • tsdat.DataWriter
  • tsdat.DataHandler
  • tsdat.DataConverter
  • tsdat.QualityChecker
  • tsdat.QualityHandler
  • tsdat.Storage
  • tsdat.Retriever