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Quality Management#

Two types of classes can be defined in your pipeline to ensure standardized data meets quality requirements:


Each Quality Checker performs a specific quality control (QC) test on one or more variables in your dataset. Quality checkers test a single data variable at a time and return a boolean mask, where flagged values are marked as True.


Each Quality Handler can be specified to run if a particular QC test fails. Quality handlers take the QC Checker's boolean mask and use it to apply any QC or custom method to the data variable of question. For instance, it can be used to remove flagged data altogether or correct flagged values, such as interpolating to fill gaps in data.

Custom Quality Checkers and Handlers should be stored in the folder where they will be used (i.e., pipelines/<pipeline_module>/ in most cases). In order to be used, they must be registered in the quality config file like so (for an example lidar pipeline module):

  - name: Require Valid Coordinate Variables
      classname: tsdat.CheckMissing
      - classname: tsdat.FailPipeline
    apply_to: [COORDS]

  - name: The name of this quality check
      classname: pipelines.example_pipeline.qc.CustomQualityChecker
      parameters: {}
      - classname: pipelines.example_pipeline.qc.CustomQualityHandler
        parameters: {}
    apply_to: [COORDS, DATA_VARS]

Quality Checkers#

Quality Checkers are classes that are used to perform a QC test on a specific variable. Each QualityChecker should extend the tsdat.QualityChecker base class, and implement the run method as shown below. Each QualityChecker registered in the pipeline config file will be automatically initialized by the pipeline and invoked on the specified variables.

def run(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, variable_name: str) -> NDArray[np.bool_] | None:
    """Checks the quality of a specific variable in the dataset and returns the results
    of the check as a boolean array where True values represent quality problems and
    False values represent data that passes the quality check.

    QualityCheckers should not modify dataset variables; changes to the dataset
    should be made by QualityHandler(s), which receive the results of a
    QualityChecker as input.

        dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset containing the variable to check.
        variable_name (str): The name of the variable to check.

        NDArray[np.bool_] | None: The results of the quality check, where True values
        indicate a quality problem. May return None to indicate that no QualityHandlers
        should be run on the results of this check.
  return None

Quality Handlers#

Quality Handlers are classes that are used to take some action following the result of a quality check. For example, if you use the built-in tsdat.CheckMissing QualityChecker class to check for missing values in one or more of your data variables, you could pair that with the tsdat.RecordQualityResults QualityHandler to add a new qc variable that provides metadata to indicate to users which data points are missing.

All QualityHandler classes should extend the tsdat.QualityHandler base class, and implement the run() method as shown below:

def run(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, variable_name: str, failures: NDArray[np.bool_]
) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Handles the quality of a variable in the dataset and returns the dataset after
    any corrections have been applied.

        dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset containing the variable to handle.
        variable_name (str): The name of the variable whose quality should be
        failures (NDArray[np.bool_]): The results of the QualityChecker for the
            provided variable, where True values indicate a quality problem.

        xr.Dataset: The dataset after the QualityHandler has been run.
    return dataset

Additional Notes#

Using the default template, all variables are given a corollary quality control (QC) variable if QC tests for data variables are run in a given pipeline. What this means that is data variables will not get a corollary QC variable if the respective QC blocks for DATA_VARS are commented out. The basic quality.yaml file that is given in the template is shown below:

- name: Fail if missing coordinates
    classname: tsdat.CheckMissing
    - classname: tsdat.FailPipeline
          context: Coordinate variables cannot be missing.
    apply_to: [COORDS]

- name: Fail if monotonic coordinates
    classname: tsdat.CheckMonotonic
      require_increasing: true
    - classname: tsdat.FailPipeline
          context: Coordinate variables must be strictly increasing.
    apply_to: [COORDS]

- name: Remove missing data
    classname: tsdat.CheckMissing
    - classname: tsdat.RemoveFailedValues
    - classname: tsdat.RecordQualityResults
          assessment: bad
          meaning: Value is equal to _FillValue or NaN
    apply_to: [DATA_VARS]
      - altitude
      - latitude
      - longitude

- name: Flag data below minimum valid threshold
    classname: tsdat.CheckValidMin
    - classname: tsdat.RecordQualityResults
          assessment: bad
          meaning: Value is less than the valid_min.
    apply_to: [DATA_VARS]
      - altitude
      - latitude
      - longitude

- name: Flag data above maximum valid threshold
    classname: tsdat.CheckValidMax
    - classname: tsdat.RecordQualityResults
          assessment: bad
          meaning: Value is greater than the valid_max.
    apply_to: [DATA_VARS]
      - altitude
      - latitude
      - longitude

A QC block consists of

  1. the keyword name, simply the block's description
  2. the keyword checker, and an associated classname one line below it: the QC test to use.
  3. the keyword handler, and an associated list of classname(s) (hence the extra hyphen in front of classname)
  4. the keyword apply_to: this can be COORDS, DATA_VARS, or a list of variable names
  5. the keyword exclude: this is a list of variable names that the check should ignore

These QC blocks can take additional parameters for more sophisticated QC algorithms. Customized files that require editable parameters can be set using the parameters keyword. In the QC block below, the custom QC class CheckCorrelation exists in the shared/ file. The classname is therefore set as shared.qc.CheckCorrelation.

The exclude keyword can be used to exclude certain variables from a QC test, and is typically used for variables that you don't want to QC (e.g., location variables or other status variables).

Also know that whitespace is not critical for yaml files, and it is good to be consistent with however yours is set.

- name: Flag data below correlation threshold
    classname: shared.qc.CheckCorrelation
      correlation_threshold: 30
    - classname: tsdat.RemoveFailedValues
    - classname: tsdat.RecordQualityResults
          assessment: bad
          meaning: Value is less than correlation threshold
    apply_to: [vel, corr, amp]
    exclude: [vel_bt]

Finally, it's important to go over the parameters required for tsdat.RecordQualityResults, which is the built-in function that all QC blocks should use to record the QC test results.

It takes parameters: assessment and meaning. These parameters are turned into variable attributes in the pipeline output dataset on each qc variable: flag_mask, flag_assessment, and flag_meaning respectively.

A technique called bit-packing is used to create the flag masks attribute. Each bit/flag represents one test that was applied (e.g., each time tsdat.RecordQualityResults is called). If a flag has the value 13, then that means it failed the tests associated with flag masks 1, 4, and 8 (1 + 4 + 8 = 13), which are QC bits 1, 3, and 4 (2^0, 2^2, 2^3). This scheme works because any addition of the flag masks can only come from a unique set of QC bits.

assessment is one of two terms: bad or indeterminate. This simply flags if the test that failed did so because the data point is of bad quality or if it may be cause for concern.

meaning is the description of the failure. This is a short statement of which test failed, and flag_meaning is listed in the same order as flag_masks.