


Abstract class to define methods required by all FileHandlers. Classes


Class to provide methods to read and write files with a variety of

class tsdat.io.filehandlers.file_handlers.AbstractFileHandler(parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Abstract class to define methods required by all FileHandlers. Classes derived from AbstractFileHandler should implement one or more of the following methods:

write(ds: xr.Dataset, filename: str, config: Config, **kwargs)

read(filename: str, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset


parameters (Dict, optional) – Parameters that were passed to the FileHandler when it was registered in the storage config file, defaults to {}.

Class Methods


Reads in the given file and converts it into an Xarray dataset for


Saves the given dataset to a file.

Method Descriptions

read(self, filename: str, **kwargs)xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads in the given file and converts it into an Xarray dataset for use in the pipeline.


filename (str) – The path to the file to read in.


A xr.Dataset object.

Return type


write(self, ds: xarray.Dataset, filename: str, config: tsdat.config.Config = None, **kwargs)None[source]

Saves the given dataset to a file.

  • ds (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to save.

  • filename (str) – The path to where the file should be written to.

  • config (Config, optional) – Optional Config object, defaults to None

class tsdat.io.filehandlers.file_handlers.FileHandler[source]

Class to provide methods to read and write files with a variety of extensions.

FILEREADERS :Dict[str, AbstractFileHandler][source]
FILEWRITERS :Dict[str, AbstractFileHandler][source]

Class Methods


Reads in the given file and converts it into an xarray dataset object using the


Method to register a FileHandler for reading from or writing to files matching one or


Calls the appropriate FileHandler to write the dataset to the provided filename.

Method Descriptions

read(self, filename: str, **kwargs)xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads in the given file and converts it into an xarray dataset object using the registered FileHandler for the provided filepath.


filename (str) – The path to the file to read in.


The raw file as an Xarray.Dataset object.

Return type


register_file_handler(self, method: Literal[read, write], patterns: Union[str, List[str]], handler: AbstractFileHandler)[source]

Method to register a FileHandler for reading from or writing to files matching one or more provided file patterns.

  • method ("Literal") – The method the FileHandler should call if the pattern is

  • Must be one of (matched.) – “read”, “write”.

  • patterns (Union[str, List[str]]) – The file pattern(s) that determine if this

  • should be run on a given filepath. (FileHandler) –

  • handler (AbstractFileHandler) – The AbstractFileHandler to register.

write(self, ds: xarray.Dataset, filename: str, config: tsdat.config.Config = None, **kwargs)None[source]

Calls the appropriate FileHandler to write the dataset to the provided filename.

  • ds (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to save.

  • filename (str) – The path to the file where the dataset should be written.

  • config (Config, optional) – Optional Config object. Defaults to None.