Source code for tsdat.pipeline.pipelines

import xarray as xr
from typing import Any, List

from tsdat.utils import decode_cf
from .base import Pipeline

__all__ = ["IngestPipeline"]

[docs]class IngestPipeline(Pipeline): """--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipeline class designed to read in raw, unstandardized time series data and enhance its quality and usability by converting it into a standard format, embedding metadata, applying quality checks and controls, generating reference plots, and saving the data in an accessible format so it can be used later in scientific analyses or in higher-level tsdat Pipelines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
[docs] def run(self, inputs: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> xr.Dataset: dataset = self.retriever.retrieve(inputs, self.dataset_config) dataset = self.prepare_retrieved_dataset(dataset) dataset = self.hook_customize_dataset(dataset) dataset = self.quality.manage(dataset) dataset = self.hook_finalize_dataset(dataset) # HACK: Fix encoding on datetime64 variables. Use a shallow copy to retain units # on datetime64 variables in the pipeline (but remove with decode_cf()) dataset = decode_cf(dataset) self.hook_plot_dataset(dataset) return dataset
[docs] def hook_customize_dataset(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- User-overrideable code hook that runs after the retriever has retrieved the dataset from the specified input keys, but before the pipeline has applied any quality checks or corrections to the dataset. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The output dataset structure returned by the retriever API. Returns: xr.Dataset: The customized dataset. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" return dataset
[docs] def hook_finalize_dataset(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- User-overrideable code hook that runs after the dataset quality has been managed but before the dataset has been sent to the storage API to be saved. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The output dataset returned by the retriever API and modified by the `hook_customize_retrieved_dataset` user code hook. Returns: xr.Dataset: The finalized dataset, ready to be saved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" return dataset
[docs] def hook_plot_dataset(self, dataset: xr.Dataset): """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- User-overrideable code hook that runs after the dataset has been saved by the storage API. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset to plot. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" pass