Source code for

# TODO: Implement FileSystemS3
import logging
import os
import shutil
import xarray as xr
from datetime import datetime
from pydantic import BaseSettings, validator
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from .base import Storage
from .handlers import FileHandler
from ..utils import get_filename

__all__ = ["FileSystem"]

# IDEA: interval / split files apart by some timeframe (e.g., 1 day)
# Optional:
# file_timespan: 1D
# psuedocode: Solely for splitting up a file into multiple chunks. Searching for
# previous + merging probably happens when you actually store the dataset, if that's
# something we care about

# start_time = 00:00:00 (midnight for the date of the first timestamp in the dataset)
# first_interval = [start_time: start_time + file_time_interval]
# start_time += file_time_interval
# until start_time + file_time_interval >= timestamp of the last point of the dataset
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileSystem(Storage): """------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Handles data storage and retrieval for file-based data formats. Formats that write to directories (such as zarr) are not supported by the FileSystem storage class. Args: parameters (Parameters): File-system specific parameters, such as the root path to where files should be saved, or additional keyword arguments to specific functions used by the storage API. See the FileSystemStorage.Parameters class for more details. handler (FileHandler): The FileHandler class that should be used to handle data I/O within the storage API. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" # TODO: @clansing refactor to use a 'StorageFile' class for custom file naming # conventions. Until then, we will assume that we are using tsdat naming conventions # e.g., datastream = location.dataset_name[-qualifier][-temporal].data_level, # filename = datastream.YYYYMMDD.hhmmss.<extension> # filepath = <storage root>/location/datastream/filename
[docs] class Parameters(BaseSettings):
[docs] storage_root: Path = Path.cwd() / "storage" / "root"
"""The path on disk where data and ancillary files will be saved to. Defaults to the `storage/root` folder in the active working directory. The directory is created as this parameter is set, if the directory does not already exist."""
[docs] file_timespan: Optional[str] = None
[docs] merge_fetched_data_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict()
@validator("storage_root") @classmethod def _ensure_storage_root_exists(cls, storage_root: Path) -> Path: if not storage_root.is_dir():"Creating storage root at: %s", storage_root.as_posix()) storage_root.mkdir(parents=True) return storage_root
[docs] parameters: Parameters = Parameters()
[docs] handler: FileHandler
[docs] def save_data(self, dataset: xr.Dataset): """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a dataset to the storage area. At a minimum, the dataset must have a 'datastream' global attribute and must have a 'time' variable with a np.datetime64-like data type. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset to save. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" datastream = dataset.attrs["datastream"] filepath = self._get_dataset_filepath(dataset, datastream) filepath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.handler.writer.write(dataset, filepath)"Saved %s dataset to %s", datastream, filepath.as_posix())
[docs] def fetch_data(self, start: datetime, end: datetime, datastream: str) -> xr.Dataset: """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fetches data for a given datastream between a specified time range. Note: this method is not smart; it searches for the appropriate data files using their filenames and does not filter within each data file. Args: start (datetime): The minimum datetime to fetch. end (datetime): The maximum datetime to fetch. datastream (str): The datastream id to search for. Returns: xr.Dataset: A dataset containing all the data in the storage area that spans the specified datetimes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" data_files = self._find_data(start, end, datastream) datasets = self._open_data_files(*data_files) return xr.merge(datasets, **self.parameters.merge_fetched_data_kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def save_ancillary_file(self, filepath: Path, datastream: str): """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saves an ancillary filepath to the datastream's ancillary storage area. Args: filepath (Path): The path to the ancillary file. datastream (str): The datastream that the file is related to. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" ancillary_filepath = self._get_ancillary_filepath(filepath, datastream) ancillary_filepath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) saved_filepath = shutil.copy2(filepath, ancillary_filepath)"Saved ancillary file to: %s", saved_filepath)
def _find_data(self, start: datetime, end: datetime, datastream: str) -> List[Path]: data_dirpath = self.parameters.storage_root / "data" / datastream filepaths = [data_dirpath / Path(file) for file in os.listdir(data_dirpath)] return self._filter_between_dates(filepaths, start, end) def _filter_between_dates( self, filepaths: List[Path], start: datetime, end: datetime ) -> List[Path]: # HACK: Currently can overshoot on both sides of the given range because we only # use the start date from the filename. def __get_date_str(file: Path) -> str: name_components =".") date_components = name_components[3:5] return ".".join(date_components) start_date_str = start.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") end_date_str = end.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") valid_filepaths: List[Path] = [] for filepath in filepaths: file_date_str = __get_date_str(filepath) if start_date_str <= file_date_str <= end_date_str: valid_filepaths.append(filepath) return valid_filepaths def _open_data_files(self, *filepaths: Path) -> List[xr.Dataset]: dataset_list: List[xr.Dataset] = [] for filepath in filepaths: data = if isinstance(data, dict): data = xr.merge(data.values()) # type: ignore dataset_list.append(data) return dataset_list def _get_dataset_filepath(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, datastream: str) -> Path: datastream_dir = self.parameters.storage_root / "data" / datastream extension = self.handler.writer.file_extension return datastream_dir / get_filename(dataset, extension) def _get_ancillary_filepath(self, filepath: Path, datastream: str) -> Path: anc_datastream_dir = self.parameters.storage_root / "ancillary" / datastream return anc_datastream_dir /
# class S3Storage(FileSystem): # class Parameters(FileSystem.Parameters): # bucket: str # region: str = "us-west-2" # parameters: Parameters # def save_data(self, dataset: xr.Dataset): # return super().save_data(dataset) # def fetch_data(self, start: datetime, end: datetime, datastream: str) -> xr.Dataset: # return super().fetch_data(start, end, datastream) # def save_ancillary_file(self, filepath: Path, datastream: str): # return super().save_ancillary_file(filepath, datastream)