Readers, Quality Control, Etc

This quick walkthrough shows how to add custom quality control and data reader code to tsdat for the pipeline-template. See first tutorial to learn how to set up an ingest first if you haven’t already.

After running the command

cookiecutter templates/ingest -o ingest/

to create a new ingest, fill out the information and type “1” to the prompts to add custom readers and quality control functions.

This will create additional and files under the pipelines/<ingest_name> directory.

Adding a Custom Reader

The file contains a stubbed out custom class to read in your particular datafile. The class name, shown as CustomDataReader below, can be whatever you like. It is recommended to test your code before inputting to tsdat’s framework. Your code will sit under the read method within this class, and should return an xarray Dataset.

import xarray as xr
from tsdat import DataReader

class CustomDataReader(DataReader):
    Data reader that can read from *xyz* formatted-data files.


    # DEVELOPER: Implement the read function update the classname/docstring as needed.

    def read(self, input_key: str) -> xr.Dataset:
        raise NotImplementedError
        return xr.Dataset()

After adding your custom reader code, you need to tell tsdat to use the custom reader you just added, which is done in the retriever.yaml file. Add a new entry under readers, with they key being a regular expression indicating the file name patterns that will use your reader. If you use .* as shown below, then all input files will use this custom reader. If your reader takes custom parameters, then add an additional parameters section to your reader as shown:

    classname: pipelines.my_ingest.readers.CustomDataReader
      header_lines: 6

Tsdat’s Native Readers

Tsdat has two native file readers: CsvReader and NetcdfReader. The CsvReader uses pandas.read_csv to read in a .csv file, and the NetcdfReader uses xarray.load_dataset to read a .nc file. These should be configured like that shown in configuring the retriever with the specific format of your input file.

Adding Custom Quality Control Functions

The same process is followed to add custom QC code. In the file, you can add custom checkers and handlers. Rename the class to something descriptive, and add your qc code to the run definition. QualityCheckers should return a boolean numpy array (True/False), where True refers to flagged data, for each variable in the raw dataset. QualityHandlers take this boolean array and apply some function to the data variable it was created from.

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from tsdat import QualityChecker, QualityHandler

class CustomQualityChecker(QualityChecker):
    Custom Quality Checker


    def run(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, variable_name: str) -> NDArray[np.bool8]:

        var_data = dataset[variable_name]

        failures: NDArray[np.bool8] = np.zeros_like(var_data, dtype=np.bool8)  # type: ignore

        # DEVELOPER: Add your custom quality checking code here
        raise NotImplementedError

        return failures

class CustomQualityHandler(QualityHandler):
    def run(
        self, dataset: xr.Dataset, variable_name: str, failures: NDArray[np.bool8]
    ) -> xr.Dataset:

        # DEVELOPER: Add custom quality handling code here
        raise NotImplementedError

        return dataset

Similar to the file reader, you must tell tsdat where and when to use your QC code, which is done in the managers section of the quality.yaml file. Add a descriptive name for your custom check, update the classnames (if you changed them from the template), and add any parameters you’d like to incorporate as shown:

  - name: The name of this quality check
      classname: pipelines.example_ingest.qc.CustomQualityChecker
      parameters: {}
      - classname: pipelines.example_ingest.qc.CustomQualityHandler
        parameters: {}
    apply_to: [COORDS, DATA_VARS]

Tsdat’s Native QC Functions

Tsdat has a number of native quality control functions that users could find useful. See quality control API for a full list and a description of their parameters.

Many of the native checkers depend upon variable attribute values defined in the dataset.yaml file. For example the Check*Max functions (CheckValidMax, CheckFailMax, CheckWarnMax) require a corresponding attribute called *_range (valid_range, fail_range, warn_range, respectively) to be included in the variable’s definition in the dataset.yaml file. When using the native checkers, please ensure that the correct varible attributes are included in your dataset.yaml file.

The special ReplaceFailedValues handler removes all failed values and replaces them for with a fill value, specified in each variable’s attribute _FillValue. If this attribute isn’t specified, it defaults to NaN.

Another function of interest is RecordQualityResults, which takes a few parameters: “bit”, “assessment”, and “meaning”. This function creates an additional, companion variable in your output dataset called <variable_name>_qc, referred to as a qc variable. Qc variables have the same shape as their parent variable, but the data values are bit masked integers. A bit in the integer is flipped if the corresponding quality test fails. If no tests fail, then the qc variable will contain all zeroes. This gives you a quick way to scan for quality issues by looking for any values in the qc variable that are > 0.

In addition to custom checkers/handlers, tsdat’s built-in quality functions can be used in the quality.yaml file as illustrated in the following example:

  - name: manage_minimum
      classname: tsdat.qc.checkers.CheckValidMin
      - classname: tsdat.qc.handlers.ReplaceFailedValues
      - classname: tsdat.qc.handlers.RecordQualityResults
          bit: 2
          assessment: Bad
          meaning: "Value is less than expected range"

    apply_to: [DATA_VARS]

Notes on Errors

Errors commonly ensue from data file located in incorrect directories, incorrect “classname” paths, and syntax errors. If you get an error, most of the time it will be caused by an invalid input file or an invalid configuration in one of the yaml files.

Common Errors:

1. KeyError [‘time’] – Time is typically the first variable tsdat looks for, so if it can’t load your dataset or if the time coordinate is not input correctly, this error will pop up. The failure load a dataset typically results from incorrect file extensions, regex patterns, or file path location.

2. Can’t find module – This error typically refers to a custom classname specified in one of the yaml config files (i.e. pipelines.<ingest_name>.qc.CustomQualityChecker). Please make sure your classname paths are correct.

3. Check_<function> fails – Ensure all the variables listed under a quality managment group can be run through the function. For example, if I try to run the test CheckMonotonic on all “COORDS”, and one of my coordinate variables is a string array (e.g ‘direction’: [‘x’,’y’,’z’], this function will fail. Fix this by replacing “COORDS” with only numeric coordinates (e.g. ‘time’).