


Base class for running data conversions on retrieved raw dataset.


Groups a DataReader subclass and a DataWriter subclass together.


Base class for reading data from an input source.


Base class for writing data to storage area(s).


DataHandler specifically tailored to reading and writing files of a specific type.


Base class for file-based DataWriters.


Base class for retrieving data used as input to tsdat pipelines.


Abstract base class for the tsdat Storage API. Subclasses of Storage are used in

class tsdat.io.base.DataConverter[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass, abc.ABC

Base class for running data conversions on retrieved raw dataset.

Class Methods


Runs the data converter on the provided (retrieved) dataset.

Method Descriptions

abstract convert(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, dataset_config: tsdat.config.dataset.DatasetConfig, variable_name: str, **kwargs: Any) xarray.Dataset[source]

Runs the data converter on the provided (retrieved) dataset.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to convert.

  • dataset_config (DatasetConfig) – The dataset configuration.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to convert.


xr.Dataset – The converted dataset.

class tsdat.io.base.DataHandler[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass

Groups a DataReader subclass and a DataWriter subclass together.

This provides a unified approach to data I/O. DataHandlers are typically expected to be able to round-trip the data, i.e. the following psuedocode is generally true:

handler.read(handler.write(dataset))) == dataset

  • reader (DataReader) – The DataReader subclass responsible for reading input data.

  • writer (FileWriter) – The FileWriter subclass responsible for writing output

  • data.

parameters :Optional[Any][source]
reader :DataReader[source]
writer :DataWriter[source]
class tsdat.io.base.DataReader[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass, abc.ABC

Base class for reading data from an input source.

  • regex (Pattern[str]) – The regex pattern associated with the DataReader. If

  • pipeline (calling the DataReader from a tsdat) –

  • checked (this pattern will be) –

  • called. (against each possible input key before the read() method is) –

Class Methods


Reads data given an input key.

Method Descriptions

abstract read(self, input_key: str) Union[xarray.Dataset, Dict[str, xarray.Dataset]][source]

Reads data given an input key.

Uses the input key to open a resource and load data as a xr.Dataset object or as a mapping of strings to xr.Dataset objects.

In most cases DataReaders will only need to return a single xr.Dataset, but occasionally some types of inputs necessitate that the data loaded from the input_key be returned as a mapping. For example, if the input_key is a path to a zip file containing multiple disparate datasets, then returning a mapping is appropriate.


input_key (str) – An input key matching the DataReader’s regex pattern that should be used to load data.


Union[xr.Dataset, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]

The raw data extracted from the

provided input key.

class tsdat.io.base.DataWriter[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass, abc.ABC

Base class for writing data to storage area(s).

Class Methods


Writes the dataset to the storage area.

Method Descriptions

abstract write(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Writes the dataset to the storage area.

This method is typically called by the tsdat storage API, which will be responsible for providing any additional parameters required by subclasses of the tsdat.io.base.DataWriter class.


dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to save.

class tsdat.io.base.FileHandler[source]

Bases: DataHandler

DataHandler specifically tailored to reading and writing files of a specific type.

  • extension (str) – The specific file extension used for data files, e.g., “.nc”.

  • reader (DataReader) – The DataReader subclass responsible for reading input data.

  • writer (FileWriter) – The FileWriter subclass responsible for writing output

  • data.

extension :str[source]
reader :DataReader[source]
writer :FileWriter[source]
class tsdat.io.base.FileWriter[source]

Bases: DataWriter, abc.ABC

Base class for file-based DataWriters.


file_extension (str) – The file extension that the FileHandler should be used for, e.g., “.nc”, “.csv”, …

file_extension :str[source]

Class Methods


Writes the dataset to the provided filepath.

Method Descriptions

abstract write(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, filepath: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Writes the dataset to the provided filepath.

This method is typically called by the tsdat storage API, which will be responsible for providing the filepath, including the file extension.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to save.

  • filepath (Optional[Path]) – The path to the file to save.

class tsdat.io.base.Retriever[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass, abc.ABC

Base class for retrieving data used as input to tsdat pipelines.


readers (Dict[str, DataReader]) – The mapping of readers that should be used to retrieve data given input_keys and optional keyword arguments provided by subclasses of Retriever.

readers :Dict[Pattern, Any][source]

Mapping of readers that should be used to read data given input keys.

Class Methods


Prepares the raw dataset mapping for use in downstream pipeline processes.

Method Descriptions

abstract retrieve(self, input_keys: List[str], dataset_config: tsdat.config.dataset.DatasetConfig, **kwargs: Any) xarray.Dataset[source]

Prepares the raw dataset mapping for use in downstream pipeline processes.

This is done by consolidating the data into a single xr.Dataset object. The retrieved dataset may contain additional coords and data_vars that are not defined in the output dataset. Input data converters are applied as part of the preparation process.

  • input_keys (List[str]) – The input keys the registered DataReaders should read from.

  • dataset_config (DatasetConfig) – The specification of the output dataset.


xr.Dataset – The retrieved dataset.

class tsdat.io.base.Storage[source]

Bases: tsdat.utils.ParameterizedClass, abc.ABC

Abstract base class for the tsdat Storage API. Subclasses of Storage are used in pipelines to persist data and ancillary files (e.g., plots).

  • parameters (Any) – Configuration parameters for the Storage API. The specific parameters that are allowed will be defined by subclasses of this base class.

  • handler (DataHandler) – The DataHandler responsible for handling both read and write operations needed by the storage API.

handler :DataHandler[source]

Defines methods for reading and writing datasets from the storage area.

parameters :Optional[Any][source]

(Internal) parameters used by the storage API that can be set through configuration files, environment variables, or other means.

Class Methods


Fetches a dataset from the storage area.


Saves an ancillary file to the storage area for the specified datastream.


Saves the dataset to the storage area.


Context manager that can be used to upload many ancillary files at once.

Method Descriptions

abstract fetch_data(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, datastream: str) xarray.Dataset[source]

Fetches a dataset from the storage area.

The timespan of the returned dataset is between the specified start and end times.

  • start (datetime) – The start time bound.

  • end (datetime) – The end time bound.

  • datastream (str) – The name of the datastream to fetch.


xr.Dataset – The fetched dataset.

abstract save_ancillary_file(self, filepath: pathlib.Path, datastream: str)[source]

Saves an ancillary file to the storage area for the specified datastream.

Ancillary files are plots or other non-dataset metadata files.

  • filepath (Path) – Where the file that should be saved is currently located.

  • datastream (str) – The datastream that the ancillary file is associated with.

abstract save_data(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset)[source]

Saves the dataset to the storage area.


dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to save.

uploadable_dir(self, datastream: str) Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None][source]

Context manager that can be used to upload many ancillary files at once.

This method yields the path to a temporary directory whose contents will be saved to the storage area using the save_ancillary_file method upon exiting the context manager.


datastream (str) – The datastream associated with any files written to the uploadable directory.


Generator[Path, None, None]

A temporary directory whose contents should be

saved to the storage area.