Source code for

from datetime import datetime
import logging
import xarray as xr
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Pattern, Tuple, cast

from ..utils import assign_data
from ..config.dataset import DatasetConfig
from .base import (

# TODO: Note that the DefaultRetriever applies DataConverters / transformations on
# variables from all input datasets, while the new version only applies these to
# variables that are actually retrieved. This leads to a different way of applying
# data converters. Maybe they should both use the StorageRetriever approach.

__all__ = ["DefaultRetriever", "StorageRetriever"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class InputKeyRetrievalRules:
    """Gathers variable retrieval rules for the given input key."""

    def __init__(
        input_key: InputKey,
        coord_rules: Dict[VarName, Dict[Pattern[Any], RetrievedVariable]],
        data_var_rules: Dict[VarName, Dict[Pattern[Any], RetrievedVariable]],
        self.coords: Dict[VarName, RetrievedVariable] = {}
        self.data_vars: Dict[VarName, RetrievedVariable] = {}

        for name, retriever_dict in coord_rules.items():
            for pattern, variable_retriever in retriever_dict.items():
                if pattern.match(input_key):
                    self.coords[name] = variable_retriever

        for name, retriever_dict in data_var_rules.items():
            for pattern, variable_retriever in retriever_dict.items():
                if pattern.match(input_key):
                    self.data_vars[name] = variable_retriever

[docs]class DefaultRetriever(Retriever): """------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Default API for retrieving data from one or more input sources. Reads data from one or more inputs, renames coordinates and data variables according to retrieval and dataset configurations, and applies registered DataConverters to retrieved data. Args: readers (Dict[Pattern[str], DataReader]): A mapping of patterns to DataReaders that the retriever uses to determine which DataReader to use for reading any given input key. coords (Dict[str, Dict[Pattern[str], VariableRetriever]]): A dictionary mapping output coordinate variable names to rules for how they should be retrieved. data_vars (Dict[str, Dict[Pattern[str], VariableRetriever]]): A dictionary mapping output data variable names to rules for how they should be retrieved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
[docs] class Parameters(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid):
[docs] merge_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
"""Keyword arguments passed to xr.merge(). This is only relevant if multiple input keys are provided simultaneously, or if any registered DataReader objects could return a dataset mapping instead of a single dataset."""
# IDEA: option to disable retrieval of input attrs # retain_global_attrs: bool = True # retain_variable_attrs: bool = True
[docs] parameters: Parameters = Parameters()
[docs] readers: Dict[Pattern, DataReader] # type: ignore
"""A dictionary of DataReaders that should be used to read data provided an input key."""
[docs] def retrieve( self, input_keys: List[str], dataset_config: DatasetConfig, **kwargs: Any ) -> xr.Dataset: raw_mapping = self._get_raw_mapping(input_keys) dataset_mapping: Dict[str, xr.Dataset] = {} for key, dataset in raw_mapping.items(): input_config = InputKeyRetrievalRules( input_key=key, coord_rules=self.coords, # type: ignore data_var_rules=self.data_vars, # type: ignore ) dataset = _rename_variables(dataset, input_config) dataset = _reindex_dataset_coords(dataset, dataset_config, input_config) dataset = _run_data_converters(dataset, dataset_config, input_config) dataset_mapping[key] = dataset output_dataset = self._merge_raw_mapping(dataset_mapping) return output_dataset
def _get_raw_mapping(self, input_keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, xr.Dataset]: dataset_mapping: Dict[str, xr.Dataset] = {} input_reader_mapping = self._match_inputs(input_keys) for input_key, reader in input_reader_mapping.items(): # IDEA: async logger.debug("Using %s to read input_key '%s'", reader, input_key) data = if isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): data = {input_key: data} dataset_mapping.update(data) return dataset_mapping def _match_inputs(self, input_keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, DataReader]: input_reader_mapping: Dict[str, DataReader] = {} for input_key in input_keys: for regex, reader in self.readers.items(): # type: ignore regex = cast(Pattern[str], regex) if regex.match(input_key): input_reader_mapping[input_key] = reader break return input_reader_mapping def _merge_raw_mapping(self, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) -> xr.Dataset: return xr.merge(list(raw_mapping.values()), **self.parameters.merge_kwargs) # type: ignore
def _rename_variables( dataset: xr.Dataset, input_config: InputKeyRetrievalRules, ) -> xr.Dataset: """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renames variables in the retrieved dataset according to retrieval configurations. Args: raw_dataset (xr.Dataset): The raw dataset. Returns: xr.Dataset: The simplified raw dataset. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" to_rename: Dict[str, str] = {} # {raw_name: output_name} coords_to_rename = { output_name for output_name, c in input_config.coords.items() } vars_to_rename = { output_name for output_name, v in input_config.data_vars.items() } to_rename.update(coords_to_rename) to_rename.update(vars_to_rename) for raw_name, output_name in coords_to_rename.items(): if raw_name not in dataset: to_rename.pop(raw_name) input_config.coords.pop(raw_name) logger.warning( "Coordinate variable '%s' could not be retrieved from input. Please" " ensure the retrieval configuration file for the '%s' coord has" " the 'name' property set to the exact name of the variable in the" " dataset returned by the input DataReader.", raw_name, output_name, ) for raw_name, output_name in vars_to_rename.items(): if raw_name not in dataset: to_rename.pop(raw_name) input_config.data_vars.pop(raw_name) logger.warning( "Data variable '%s' could not be retrieved from input. Please" " ensure the retrieval configuration file for the '%s' data" " variable has the 'name' property set to the exact name of the" " variable in the dataset returned by the input DataReader.", raw_name, output_name, ) return dataset.rename(to_rename) def _run_data_converters( dataset: xr.Dataset, dataset_config: DatasetConfig, input_config: InputKeyRetrievalRules, ) -> xr.Dataset: """------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Runs the declared DataConverters on the dataset's coords and data_vars. Returns the dataset after all converters have been run. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset to convert. dataset_config (DatasetConfig): The DatasetConfig Returns: xr.Dataset: The converted dataset. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" retrieved_dataset = RetrievedDataset.from_xr_dataset(dataset) for coord_name, coord_config in input_config.coords.items(): for converter in coord_config.data_converters: data_array = retrieved_dataset.coords[coord_name] data = converter.convert( data_array, coord_name, dataset_config, retrieved_dataset ) if data is not None: retrieved_dataset.coords[coord_name] = data dataset = assign_data(dataset,, coord_name) for var_name, var_config in input_config.data_vars.items(): for converter in var_config.data_converters: data_array = retrieved_dataset.data_vars[var_name] data = converter.convert( data_array, var_name, dataset_config, retrieved_dataset ) if data is not None: retrieved_dataset.data_vars[var_name] = data dataset = assign_data(dataset,, var_name) # TODO: Convert retrieved_dataset back into the xr.Dataset and return that return dataset def _reindex_dataset_coords( dataset: xr.Dataset, dataset_config: DatasetConfig, input_config: InputKeyRetrievalRules, ) -> xr.Dataset: """----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swaps dimensions and coordinates to match the structure of the DatasetConfig. Ensures that the retriever coordinates are set as coordinates in the dataset, promoting them to coordinates from data_vars as needed, and reindexes data_vars so they are dimensioned by the appropriate coordinates. This is useful in situations where the DataReader does not know which variables to set as coordinates in its returned xr.Dataset, so it instead creates some arbitrary index coordinate to dimension the data variables. This is very common when reading from non-heirarchal formats such as csv. Args: dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset to reindex. dataset_config (DatasetConfig): The DatasetConfig. Returns: xr.Dataset: The reindexed dataset. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------""" for axis, coord_name in enumerate(input_config.coords): expected_dim = dataset_config[coord_name].dims[0] actual_dims = dataset[coord_name].dims if (ndims := len(actual_dims)) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Retrieved coordinate '{coord_name}' must have exactly one" f" dimension in the retrieved dataset, found {ndims} (dims=" f"{actual_dims}). If '{coord_name}' is not actually a coordinate" " variable, please move it to the data_vars section in the" " retriever config file." ) elif ndims == 0: logger.warning( f"Retrieved coordinate '{coord_name}' has 0 attached dimensions in" " the retrieved dataset (expected ndims=1). Attempting to fix this" f" using xr.Dataset.expand_dims(dim='{coord_name}'), which may" " result in unexpected behavior. Please consider writing a" " DataReader to handle this coordinate correctly." ) dataset = dataset.expand_dims(dim=coord_name, axis=axis) dim = actual_dims[0] if ndims else coord_name if dim != expected_dim: dataset = dataset.swap_dims({dim: expected_dim}) # type: ignore return dataset def unpack_datastream_date_str(key: str) -> Tuple[str, datetime, datetime]: """Unpacks a datastream-date string. Input strings are expected to be formatted like "datastream::start_date::end_date". The input string is unpacked into a tuple containing the datastream, the start date, and the end date. Args: key (str): The datastream date string to unpack. Returns: Tuple[str, datetime, datetime]: The unpacked datastream and dates. """ datastream, start_str, end_str, *_ = key.split("::") start = datetime.strptime(start_str, "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") end = datetime.strptime(end_str, "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") return datastream, start, end def perform_data_retrieval( input_data: Dict[InputKey, xr.Dataset], coord_rules: Dict[VarName, Dict[Pattern[Any], RetrievedVariable]], data_var_rules: Dict[VarName, Dict[Pattern[Any], RetrievedVariable]], ) -> Tuple[RetrievedDataset, RetrievalRuleSelections]: # Rule selections selected_coord_rules: Dict[VarName, RetrievedVariable] = {} selected_data_var_rules: Dict[VarName, RetrievedVariable] = {} # Retrieved dataset coord_data: Dict[VarName, xr.DataArray] = {} data_var_data: Dict[VarName, xr.DataArray] = {} # Retrieve coordinates for name, retriever_dict in coord_rules.items(): for pattern, variable_retriever in retriever_dict.items(): if name in selected_coord_rules: # already matched break for input_key, dataset in input_data.items(): if pattern.match(input_key): if in dataset.variables: "Coordinate '%s' retrieved from '%s': '%s'", name, input_key,, ) selected_coord_rules[name] = variable_retriever coord_data[name] = dataset[] break else: logger.warning( "Input key matched regex pattern but no matching variable" " could be found in the input dataset:\n" "\tCoordinate: %s\n" "\tInput Variable: %s\n" "\tPattern: %s\n" "\tInput Key: %s\n", name,, pattern.pattern, input_key, ) if name not in selected_coord_rules: logger.warning("Could not retrieve coordinate '%s'.", name) # Retrieve data variables for name, retriever_dict in data_var_rules.items(): for pattern, variable_retriever in retriever_dict.items(): if name in selected_data_var_rules: # already matched break for input_key, dataset in input_data.items(): if pattern.match(input_key): if in dataset.variables: "Variable '%s' retrieved from '%s': '%s'", name, input_key,, ) selected_data_var_rules[name] = variable_retriever data_var_data[name] = dataset[] break else: logger.warning( "Input key matched regex pattern but no matching variable" " could be found in the input dataset:\n" "\tVariable: %s\n" "\tInput Variable: %s\n" "\tPattern: %s\n" "\tInput Key: %s\n", name,, pattern.pattern, input_key, ) if name not in selected_data_var_rules: logger.warning("Could not retrieve variable '%s'.", name) return ( RetrievedDataset(coords=coord_data, data_vars=data_var_data), RetrievalRuleSelections( coords=selected_coord_rules, data_vars=selected_data_var_rules ), )
[docs]class StorageRetriever(Retriever): """Retriever API for pulling input data from the storage area."""
[docs] def retrieve( self, input_keys: List[str], dataset_config: DatasetConfig, storage: Optional[Storage] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> xr.Dataset: """------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retrieves input data from the storage area. Note that each input_key is expected to be formatted according to the following format: "datastream::start-date::end-date", e.g., "sgp.myingest.b1::20220913.000000::20220914.000000" This format allows the retriever to pull datastream data from the Storage API for the desired dates for each desired input source. Args: input_keys (List[str]): A list of specially-formatted input keys. dataset_config (DatasetConfig): The output dataset configuration. storage (Storage): Instance of a Storage class used to fetch saved data. Returns: xr.Dataset: The retrieved dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" assert storage is not None, "Missing required 'storage' parameter." # Use the Storage API to fetch input data input_data: Dict[InputKey, xr.Dataset] = {} for key in input_keys: datastream, start, end = unpack_datastream_date_str(key) # TODO: pad start & end according to parameters retrieved_dataset = storage.fetch_data( start=start, end=end, datastream=datastream ) input_data[key] = retrieved_dataset # Perform coord/variable retrieval retrieved_data, retrieval_selections = perform_data_retrieval( input_data=input_data, coord_rules=self.coords, # type: ignore data_var_rules=self.data_vars, # type: ignore ) # Ensure selected coords are indexed by themselves for name, coord_data in retrieved_data.coords.items(): new_coord = xr.DataArray(, coords={name:}, dims=(name,), attrs=coord_data.attrs, name=name, ) retrieved_data.coords[name] = new_coord # Q: Do data_vars need to be renamed or reindexed before data converters run? # Run data converters on coordinates, then on data variables for name, coord_def in retrieval_selections.coords.items(): for converter in coord_def.data_converters: coord_data = retrieved_data.coords[name] data = converter.convert( data=coord_data, variable_name=name, dataset_config=dataset_config, retrieved_dataset=retrieved_data, ) if data is not None: retrieved_data.coords[name] = data # TODO: Add one more converter to make sure data type is correct for name, var_def in retrieval_selections.data_vars.items(): # Q: DataArray.coords match RetrievedDataset.coords structure? for converter in var_def.data_converters: var_data = retrieved_data.data_vars[name] data = converter.convert( data=var_data, variable_name=name, dataset_config=dataset_config, retrieved_dataset=retrieved_data, ) if data is not None: retrieved_data.data_vars[name] = data # TODO: Add one more converter to make sure data type is correct # Construct the retrieved dataset structure retrieved_dataset = xr.Dataset( coords=retrieved_data.coords, data_vars=retrieved_data.data_vars ) for var_name, var_data in retrieved_dataset.data_vars.items(): # Ensure that the encoding is correct var_data.encoding["dtype"] = dataset_config[var_name].dtype return retrieved_dataset