


Uses pandas and xarray functions to read a csv file and extract its contents into an


Thin wrapper around xarray's open_dataset() function, with optional parameters


Uses pandas and xarray functions to read a parquet file and extract its contents


Uses xarray's Zarr capabilities to read a Zarr archive and extract its contents into


DataReader for reading from a zipped archive. Writing to this format is not supported.

class tsdat.io.readers.CSVReader[source]

Bases: tsdat.io.base.DataReader

Uses pandas and xarray functions to read a csv file and extract its contents into an xarray Dataset object. Two parameters are supported: read_csv_kwargs and from_dataframe_kwargs, whose contents are passed as keyword arguments to pandas.read_csv() and xarray.Dataset.from_dataframe() respectively.

class Parameters[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

from_dataframe_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
read_csv_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
parameters: CSVReader.Parameters[source]

Class Methods


Reads data given an input key.

Method Descriptions

read(input_key: str) xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads data given an input key.

Uses the input key to open a resource and load data as a xr.Dataset object or as a mapping of strings to xr.Dataset objects.

In most cases DataReaders will only need to return a single xr.Dataset, but occasionally some types of inputs necessitate that the data loaded from the input_key be returned as a mapping. For example, if the input_key is a path to a zip file containing multiple disparate datasets, then returning a mapping is appropriate.


input_key (str) – An input key matching the DataReader’s regex pattern that should be used to load data.


Union[xr.Dataset, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]

The raw data extracted from the

provided input key.

class tsdat.io.readers.NetCDFReader[source]

Bases: tsdat.io.base.DataReader

Thin wrapper around xarray’s open_dataset() function, with optional parameters used as keyword arguments in the function call.

parameters: Dict[str, Any][source]

Class Methods


Reads data given an input key.

Method Descriptions

read(input_key: str) xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads data given an input key.

Uses the input key to open a resource and load data as a xr.Dataset object or as a mapping of strings to xr.Dataset objects.

In most cases DataReaders will only need to return a single xr.Dataset, but occasionally some types of inputs necessitate that the data loaded from the input_key be returned as a mapping. For example, if the input_key is a path to a zip file containing multiple disparate datasets, then returning a mapping is appropriate.


input_key (str) – An input key matching the DataReader’s regex pattern that should be used to load data.


Union[xr.Dataset, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]

The raw data extracted from the

provided input key.

class tsdat.io.readers.ParquetReader[source]

Bases: tsdat.io.base.DataReader

Uses pandas and xarray functions to read a parquet file and extract its contents into an xarray Dataset object. Two parameters are supported: read_parquet_kwargs and from_dataframe_kwargs, whose contents are passed as keyword arguments to pandas.read_parquet() and xarray.Dataset.from_dataframe() respectively.

class Parameters[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

from_dataframe_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
read_parquet_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
parameters: ParquetReader.Parameters[source]

Class Methods


Reads data given an input key.

Method Descriptions

read(input_key: str) xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads data given an input key.

Uses the input key to open a resource and load data as a xr.Dataset object or as a mapping of strings to xr.Dataset objects.

In most cases DataReaders will only need to return a single xr.Dataset, but occasionally some types of inputs necessitate that the data loaded from the input_key be returned as a mapping. For example, if the input_key is a path to a zip file containing multiple disparate datasets, then returning a mapping is appropriate.


input_key (str) – An input key matching the DataReader’s regex pattern that should be used to load data.


Union[xr.Dataset, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]

The raw data extracted from the

provided input key.

class tsdat.io.readers.ZarrReader[source]

Bases: tsdat.io.base.DataReader

Uses xarray’s Zarr capabilities to read a Zarr archive and extract its contents into an xarray Dataset object.

class Parameters[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

open_zarr_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
parameters: ZarrReader.Parameters[source]

Class Methods


Reads data given an input key.

Method Descriptions

read(input_key: str) xarray.Dataset[source]

Reads data given an input key.

Uses the input key to open a resource and load data as a xr.Dataset object or as a mapping of strings to xr.Dataset objects.

In most cases DataReaders will only need to return a single xr.Dataset, but occasionally some types of inputs necessitate that the data loaded from the input_key be returned as a mapping. For example, if the input_key is a path to a zip file containing multiple disparate datasets, then returning a mapping is appropriate.


input_key (str) – An input key matching the DataReader’s regex pattern that should be used to load data.


Union[xr.Dataset, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]

The raw data extracted from the

provided input key.

class tsdat.io.readers.ZipReader(parameters: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: tsdat.io.base.ArchiveReader

DataReader for reading from a zipped archive. Writing to this format is not supported.

This class requires a that `readers be specified in the parameters section of the storage configuration file. The structure of the `readers section should mirror the structure of its parent `readers section. To illustrate, consider the following configuration block:

      file_pattern: '.*\.zip'
      classname: "tsdat.io.readers.ZipReader"
        # Parameters to specify how the ZipReader should read/unpack the archive.
        # Parameters here are passed to the Python open() method as kwargs. The
        # default value is shown below.
          mode: "rb"

        # Parameters here are passed to zipfile.ZipFile.open() as kwargs. Useful
        # for specifying the system encoding or compression algorithm to use for
        # unpacking the archive. These are optional.
          mode: "r"

        # The readers section tells the ZipReaders which DataReaders should be
        # used to read the unpacked files.
            classname: tsdat.io.readers.CSVReader
            parameters:  # Parameters specific to tsdat.io.readers.CsvReader
                sep: '\t'

        # Pattern(s) used to exclude certain files in the archive from being handled.
        # This parameter is optional, and the default value is shown below:
        exclude: ['.*\_\_MACOSX/.*', '.*\.DS_Store']
class Parameters[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

exclude: List[str] = [][source]
open_zip_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
read_zip_kwargs: Dict[str, Any][source]
readers: Dict[str, Any][source]
parameters: ZipReader.Parameters[source]

Class Methods


Extracts the file into memory and uses registered DataReaders to read each relevant

Method Descriptions

read(input_key: str) Dict[str, xarray.Dataset][source]

Extracts the file into memory and uses registered DataReaders to read each relevant extracted file into its own xarray Dataset object. Returns a mapping like {filename: xr.Dataset}.

  • input_key (Union[str, BytesIO]) – The file to read in. Can be provided as a filepath or

  • file. (a bytes-like object. It is used to open the zip) –

  • name (str, optional) – A label used to help trace the origin of the data read-in.

  • file (It is used in the key in the returned dictionary. Must be provided if the) –

  • then (argument is not string-like. If file is a string and name is not specified) –

  • None. (the label will be set by file. Defaults to) –


Dict[str, xr.Dataset] – A mapping of {label: xr.Dataset}.