
This module contains pipeline classes that are used to process time series data from start to finish.

Package Contents



This class serves as the base class for all tsdat data pipelines.


The IngestPipeline class is designed to read in raw, non-standardized

class tsdat.pipeline.Pipeline(pipeline_config: Union[str, tsdat.config.Config], storage_config: Union[str, tsdat.io.DatastreamStorage])[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

This class serves as the base class for all tsdat data pipelines.

  • pipeline_config (Union[str, Config]) – The pipeline config file. Can be either a config object, or the path to the pipeline config file that should be used with this pipeline.

  • storage_config (Union[str, DatastreamStorage]) – The storage config file. Can be either a config object, or the path to the storage config file that should be used with this pipeline.

abstract run(self, filepath: Union[str, List[str]])

This method is the entry point for the pipeline. It will take one or more file paths and process them from start to finish. All classes extending the Pipeline class must implement this method.


filepath (Union[str, List[str]]) – The path or list of paths to the file(s) to run the pipeline on.

standardize_dataset(self, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.Dataset])xarray.Dataset

Standardizes the dataset by applying variable name and units conversions as defined by the pipeline config file. This method returns the standardized dataset.


raw_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw dataset mapping.


The standardized dataset.

Return type


check_required_variables(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, dod: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)

Function to throw an error if a required variable could not be retrieved.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to check.

  • dod (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition used to specify required variables.


Exception – Raises an exception to indicate the variable could not be retrieved.

add_static_variables(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, dod: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)xarray.Dataset

Uses the DatasetDefinition to add static variables (variables whose data are defined in the pipeline config file) to the output dataset.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to add static variables to.

  • dod (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition to pull data from.


The original dataset with added variables from the config

Return type


add_missing_variables(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, dod: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)xarray.Dataset

Uses the dataset definition to initialize variables that are defined in the dataset definiton but did not have input. Uses the appropriate shape and _FillValue to initialize each variable.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to add the variables to.

  • dod (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition to use.


The original dataset with variables that still need to be initialized, initialized.

Return type


add_attrs(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.Dataset], dod: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)xarray.Dataset

Adds global and variable-level attributes to the dataset from the DatasetDefinition object.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to add attributes to.

  • raw_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw dataset mapping. Used to set the input_files global attribute.

  • dod (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition containing the attributes to add.


The original dataset with the attributes added.

Return type


get_previous_dataset(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset)xarray.Dataset

Utility method to retrieve the previous set of data for hte same datastream as the provided dataset from the DatastreamStorage.


dataset (xr.Dataset) – The reference dataset that will be used to search the DatastreamStore for prior data.


The previous dataset from the DatastreamStorage if it exists, otherwise None.

Return type


reduce_raw_datasets(self, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.Dataset], definition: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)List[xarray.Dataset]

Removes unused variables from each raw dataset in the raw mapping and performs input to output naming and unit conversions as defined in the dataset definition.

  • raw_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw xarray dataset mapping.

  • definition (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition used to select the variables to keep.


A list of reduced datasets.

Return type


reduce_raw_dataset(self, raw_dataset: xarray.Dataset, variable_definitions: List[tsdat.config.VariableDefinition], definition: tsdat.config.DatasetDefinition)xarray.Dataset

Removes unused variables from the raw dataset provided and keeps only the variables and coordinates pertaining to the provdided variable definitions. Also performs input to output naming and unit conversions as defined in the DatasetDefinition.

  • raw_dataset (xr.Dataset) – The raw dataset mapping.

  • variable_definitions (List[VariableDefinition]) – List of variables to keep.

  • definition (DatasetDefinition) – The DatasetDefinition used to select the variables to keep.


The reduced dataset.

Return type


decode_cf(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset)xarray.Dataset

Decodes the dataset according to CF conventions. This helps ensure that the dataset is formatted correctly after it has been constructed from unstandardized sources or heavily modified. :param dataset: The dataset to decode. :type dataset: xr.Dataset


The decoded dataset.

Return type


class tsdat.pipeline.IngestPipeline(pipeline_config: Union[str, tsdat.config.Config], storage_config: Union[str, tsdat.io.DatastreamStorage])[source]

Bases: tsdat.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline

The IngestPipeline class is designed to read in raw, non-standardized data and convert it to a standardized format by embedding metadata, applying quality checks and quality controls, and by saving the now-processed data in a standard file format.

run(self, filepath: Union[str, List[str]])xarray.Dataset

Runs the IngestPipeline from start to finish.


filepath (Union[str, List[str]]) – The path or list of paths to the file(s) to run the pipeline on.

hook_customize_dataset(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.Dataset])xarray.Dataset

Hook to allow for user customizations to the standardized dataset such as inserting a derived variable based on other variables in the dataset. This method is called immediately after the standardize_dataset method and before QualityManagement has been run.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to customize.

  • raw_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw dataset mapping.


The customized dataset.

Return type


hook_customize_raw_datasets(self, raw_dataset_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.Dataset])Dict[str, xarray.Dataset]

Hook to allow for user customizations to one or more raw xarray Datasets before they merged and used to create the standardized dataset. The raw_dataset_mapping will contain one entry for each file being used as input to the pipeline. The keys are the standardized raw file name, and the values are the datasets.

This method would typically only be used if the user is combining multiple files into a single dataset. In this case, this method may be used to correct coordinates if they don’t match for all the files, or to change variable (column) names if two files have the same name for a variable, but they are two distinct variables.

This method can also be used to check for unique conditions in the raw data that should cause a pipeline failure if they are not met.

This method is called before the inputs are merged and converted to standard format as specified by the config file.


raw_dataset_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw datasets to customize.


The customized raw datasets.

Return type

Dict[str, xr.Dataset]

hook_finalize_dataset(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset)xarray.Dataset

Hook to apply any final customizations to the dataset before it is saved. This hook is called after QualityManagement has been run and immediately before the dataset it saved to file.


dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to finalize.


The finalized dataset to save.

Return type


hook_generate_and_persist_plots(self, dataset: xarray.Dataset)None

Hook to allow users to create plots from the xarray dataset after the dataset has been finalized and just before the dataset is saved to disk.

To save on filesystem space (which is limited when running on the cloud via a lambda function), this method should only write one plot to local storage at a time. An example of how this could be done is below:

filename = DSUtil.get_plot_filename(dataset, "sea_level", "png")
with self.storage._tmp.get_temp_filepath(filename) as tmp_path:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
    ax.plot(dataset["time"].data, dataset["sea_level"].data)

filename = DSUtil.get_plot_filename(dataset, "qc_sea_level", "png")
with self.storage._tmp.get_temp_filepath(filename) as tmp_path:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
    DSUtil.plot_qc(dataset, "sea_level", tmp_path)

dataset (xr.Dataset) – The xarray dataset with customizations and QualityManagement applied.

read_and_persist_raw_files(self, file_paths: List[str])List[str]

Renames the provided raw files according to ME Data Standards file naming conventions for raw data files, and returns a list of the paths to the renamed files.


file_paths (List[str]) – A list of paths to the original raw files.


A list of paths to the renamed files.

Return type
