Pipeline Code Hooks

Each pipeline base class provides certain abstract methods which the developer can override if desired to customize pipeline functionality. In your template repository, your Pipeline class will come with all the hook methods stubbed out automatically (i.e., they will be included with an empty definition).

The following hook methods (which can be easily identified because they all start with the ‘hook_’ prefix) are provided in the pipeline templates in the ingest/<ingest_name>/pipeline/pipeline.py. They are listed in the order that they are executed (see image in Configuring Tsdat).


Hook to allow for user customizations to one or more raw xarray Datasets before they merged and used to create the standardized dataset.


Hook to allow for user customizations to the standardized dataset such as inserting a derived variable based on other variables in the dataset.


Hook to apply any final customizations to the dataset before it is saved.


Hook to allow users to create plots from the xarray dataset after the dataset has been finalized and just before the dataset is saved to disk.

The plotting hook (hook_generate_and_persist_plots) is likely to be the most useful for users. This hook creates plots and saves them to the storage directory with the output dataset and is a good way to check the pipeline output. Below is shown an example pipeline.py file:

import os
import cmocean
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from tsdat.pipeline import IngestPipeline
from tsdat.utils import DSUtil

example_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
style_file = os.path.join(example_dir, "styling.mplstyle")

class WaveIngestPipeline(IngestPipeline):
  This is an example class that extends the default IngestPipeline in
  order to hook in custom behavior such as creating custom plots.
  If users need to apply custom changes to the dataset, instrument
  corrections, or create custom plots, they should follow this example
  to extend the IngestPipeline class.

  def hook_generate_and_persist_plots(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> None:
      Hook to allow users to create plots from the xarray dataset after
      processing and QC have been applied and just before the dataset is
      saved to disk.

          dataset (xr.Dataset):   The xarray dataset with customizations and
                                  QC applied.

      def format_time_xticks(ax, start=4, stop=21, step=4, date_format="%H-%M"):
              mpl.dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(start, stop, step))
          plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="center")

      # Useful variables
      ds = dataset
      date = pd.to_datetime(ds.time.data[0]).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")

      # Create wave statistics plot
      filename = DSUtil.get_plot_filename(dataset, "wave_statistics", "png")
      with self.storage._tmp.get_temp_filepath(filename) as tmp_path:

          # Create figure and axes objects
          fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(14, 8), constrained_layout=True)
          fig.suptitle(f"Wave Statistics at {ds.attrs['location_meaning']} on {date}")

          # Plot wave heights
          cmap = cmocean.cm.amp_r
              ax=axs[0], c=cmap(0.10), linewidth=2, label=r"H$_{avg}$"
              ax=axs[0], c=cmap(0.5), linewidth=2, label=r"H$_{sig}$"
              ax=axs[0], c=cmap(0.85), linewidth=2, label=r"H$_{max}$"
          axs[0].set_ylabel("Wave Height (m)")
          axs[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.10), ncol=3)

          # Plot wave periods
          cmap = cmocean.cm.dense
              ax=axs[1], c=cmap(0.15), linewidth=2, label=r"T$_{avg}$"
              ax=axs[1], c=cmap(0.5), linewidth=2, label=r"T$_{sig}$"
              ax=axs[1], c=cmap(0.8), linewidth=2, label=r"T$_{peak}$"
          axs[1].set_ylabel("Wave Period (s)")
          axs[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.10), ncol=3)

          # Plot mean direction
          cmap = cmocean.cm.haline
              ax=axs[2], c=cmap(0.4), linewidth=2, label=r"$\theta_{mean}$"
          axs[2].set_ylabel(r"Wave Direction (deg)")
          axs[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, -0.10))

          # Set xlabels and ticks
          for i in range(3):
              axs[i].set_xlabel("Time (UTC)")

          # Save figure
          fig.savefig(tmp_path, dpi=100)
class tsdat.pipeline.ingest_pipeline.IngestPipeline(pipeline_config: Union[str, tsdat.config.config.Config], storage_config: Union[str, tsdat.io.storage.DatastreamStorage])[source]

The IngestPipeline class is designed to read in raw, non-standardized data and convert it to a standardized format by embedding metadata, applying quality checks and quality controls, and by saving the now-processed data in a standard file format.

hook_customize_dataset(dataset: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset, raw_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset])xarray.core.dataset.Dataset[source]

Hook to allow for user customizations to the standardized dataset such as inserting a derived variable based on other variables in the dataset. This method is called immediately after the standardize_dataset method and before QualityManagement has been run.

  • dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to customize.

  • raw_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw dataset mapping.


The customized dataset.

Return type


hook_customize_raw_datasets(raw_dataset_mapping: Dict[str, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset])Dict[str, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset][source]

Hook to allow for user customizations to one or more raw xarray Datasets before they merged and used to create the standardized dataset. The raw_dataset_mapping will contain one entry for each file being used as input to the pipeline. The keys are the standardized raw file name, and the values are the datasets.

This method would typically only be used if the user is combining multiple files into a single dataset. In this case, this method may be used to correct coordinates if they don’t match for all the files, or to change variable (column) names if two files have the same name for a variable, but they are two distinct variables.

This method can also be used to check for unique conditions in the raw data that should cause a pipeline failure if they are not met.

This method is called before the inputs are merged and converted to standard format as specified by the config file.


raw_dataset_mapping (Dict[str, xr.Dataset]) – The raw datasets to customize.


The customized raw datasets.

Return type

Dict[str, xr.Dataset]

hook_finalize_dataset(dataset: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset)xarray.core.dataset.Dataset[source]

Hook to apply any final customizations to the dataset before it is saved. This hook is called after QualityManagement has been run and immediately before the dataset it saved to file.


dataset (xr.Dataset) – The dataset to finalize.


The finalized dataset to save.

Return type


hook_generate_and_persist_plots(dataset: xarray.core.dataset.Dataset)None[source]

Hook to allow users to create plots from the xarray dataset after the dataset has been finalized and just before the dataset is saved to disk.

To save on filesystem space (which is limited when running on the cloud via a lambda function), this method should only write one plot to local storage at a time. An example of how this could be done is below:

filename = DSUtil.get_plot_filename(dataset, "sea_level", "png")
with self.storage._tmp.get_temp_filepath(filename) as tmp_path:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
    ax.plot(dataset["time"].data, dataset["sea_level"].data)

filename = DSUtil.get_plot_filename(dataset, "qc_sea_level", "png")
with self.storage._tmp.get_temp_filepath(filename) as tmp_path:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
    DSUtil.plot_qc(dataset, "sea_level", tmp_path)

dataset (xr.Dataset) – The xarray dataset with customizations and QualityManagement applied.