Source code for tsdat.config.retriever

from typing import Dict, Pattern
from pydantic import Extra
from .utils import ParameterizedConfigClass, YamlModel

__all__ = ["RetrieverConfig"]

class DataReaderConfig(ParameterizedConfigClass):
    # HACK: Can't do Pattern[str]:
    # regex: Pattern = Field(  # type: ignore
    #     "",
    #     description="A regex pattern used to map input data keys (e.g., a file path or"
    #     " url passed as input from the pipeline runner) to the DataReader that should"
    #     " be used to read that resource. If there are multiple DataReader registered"
    #     " and an input data key would be matched by the regex pattern of multiple"
    #     " DataReaders, then only the DataReader corresponding with the first match will"
    #     " be used. Because of this, we recommend ordering your DataReaders from most"
    #     " specific pattern to least specific so that the most specific pattern will be"
    #     " matched first.",
    # )

[docs]class RetrieverConfig(ParameterizedConfigClass, YamlModel, extra=Extra.allow): """--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class used to contain configuration parameters for the tsdat retriever class. This class will ultimately be converted into a subclass for use in tsdat pipelines. Provides methods to support yaml parsing and validation, including the generation of json schema for immediate validation. This class also provides a method to instantiate a subclass from a parsed configuration file. Args: classname (str): The dotted module path to the pipeline that the specified configurations should apply to. To use the built-in IngestPipeline, for example, you would set 'tsdat.pipeline.pipelines.IngestPipeline' as the classname. readers (Dict[str, DataReaderConfig]): The DataReaders to use for reading input data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
[docs] readers: Dict[Pattern, DataReaderConfig] # type: ignore