


Class used to contain configuration parameters for the tsdat retriever class. This

class tsdat.config.retriever.RetrieverConfig[source]

Bases: tsdat.config.utils.ParameterizedConfigClass, tsdat.config.utils.YamlModel

Class used to contain configuration parameters for the tsdat retriever class. This class will ultimately be converted into a tsdat.io.base.Retriever subclass for use in tsdat pipelines.

Provides methods to support yaml parsing and validation, including the generation of json schema for immediate validation. This class also provides a method to instantiate a tsdat.io.base.Retriever subclass from a parsed configuration file.

  • classname (str) – The dotted module path to the pipeline that the specified

  • should apply to. To use the built-in IngestPipeline (configurations) –

  • example (for) –

:param : :param you would set ‘tsdat.pipeline.pipelines.IngestPipeline’ as the classname.: :param readers: The DataReaders to use for reading input :type readers: Dict[str, DataReaderConfig] :param data.:

readers :Dict[Pattern, DataReaderConfig][source]