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CSVWriter #

Bases: FileWriter

Converts a xr.Dataset object to a pandas DataFrame and saves the result to a csv file using pd.DataFrame.to_csv(). Properties under the to_csv_kwargs parameter are passed to pd.DataFrame.to_csv() as keyword arguments.


file_extension class-attribute instance-attribute #
file_extension: str = 'csv'
parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Field(default_factory=Parameters)


Parameters #

Bases: BaseModel

dim_order class-attribute instance-attribute #
dim_order: Optional[List[str]] = None
to_csv_kwargs class-attribute instance-attribute #
to_csv_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}


write #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    filepath: Optional[Path] = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None
Source code in tsdat/io/
def write(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, filepath: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    # QUESTION: Is this format capable of "round-tripping"?
    # (i.e., ds != read(write(ds)) for csv format)
    d1: List[Hashable] = []
    d2: List[Hashable] = []
    d2_coord: List[Hashable] = [v for v in dataset.coords if v != "time"]
    for var in dataset:
        shp = dataset[var].shape
        if len(shp) <= 1:
        elif len(shp) == 2:
                "CSV writer cannot save variables with more than 2 dimensions."

    # Save header data
    header_filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".hdr.csv")  # type: ignore
    header = dataset.attrs
    with open(str(header_filepath), "w", newline="\n") as fp:
        for key in header:

    # Save variable metadata
    metadata_filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".attrs.csv")  # type: ignore
    var_metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    for var in dataset:
        attrs = dataset[var].attrs
        attrs.update({"name": var})
    df_metadata = pd.DataFrame(var_metadata)
    df_metadata = df_metadata.set_index("name")  # type: ignore

    if d1:
        # Save 1D variables
        dim1_filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".time.1d.csv")  # type: ignore
        ds_1d = dataset.drop_vars(d2)  # drop 2D variables
        ds_1d = ds_1d.drop_vars(d2_coord)
        df_1d = ds_1d.to_dataframe()
        df_1d.to_csv(dim1_filepath, **self.parameters.to_csv_kwargs)  # type: ignore

    if d2:
        # Save 2D variables
        for coord in d2_coord:
            dim2_filepath = filepath.with_suffix("." + coord + ".2d.csv")  # type: ignore
            ds_2d = dataset.drop_vars(d1)  # drop 1D variables
            other_dim_vars = [
                v for v in ds_2d.data_vars if coord not in ds_2d[v].dims
            other_coords = d2_coord.copy()
            ds_2d = ds_2d.drop_vars(other_dim_vars + other_coords)
            df_2d = ds_2d.to_dataframe(self.parameters.dim_order)  # type: ignore
            df_2d.to_csv(dim2_filepath, **self.parameters.to_csv_kwargs)  # type: ignore

NetCDFWriter #

Bases: FileWriter

Thin wrapper around xarray's Dataset.to_netcdf() function for saving a dataset to a netCDF file. Properties under the to_netcdf_kwargs parameter will be passed to Dataset.to_netcdf() as keyword arguments.

File compression is used by default to save disk space. To disable compression set the compression_level parameter to 0.


file_extension class-attribute instance-attribute #
file_extension: str = 'nc'
parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Field(default_factory=Parameters)


Parameters #

Bases: BaseModel

compression_engine class-attribute instance-attribute #
compression_engine: str = 'zlib'

The compression engine to use.

compression_level class-attribute instance-attribute #
compression_level: int = 1

The level of compression to use (0-9). Set to 0 to not use compression.

to_netcdf_kwargs class-attribute instance-attribute #
to_netcdf_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}

Keyword arguments passed directly to xr.Dataset.to_netcdf().


write #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    filepath: Optional[Path] = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None
Source code in tsdat/io/
def write(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, filepath: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    to_netcdf_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self.parameters.to_netcdf_kwargs)
    encoding_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    to_netcdf_kwargs["encoding"] = encoding_dict

    for variable_name in cast(Iterable[str], dataset.variables):
        # Encoding options:
        # For some reason contiguous=True and chunksizes=None is incompatible with compression
        if hasattr(dataset[variable_name], "encoding"):
            if "contiguous" in dataset[variable_name].encoding:
            if "chunksizes" in dataset[variable_name].encoding:

        # Prevent Xarray from setting 'nan' as the default _FillValue
        encoding_dict[variable_name] = dataset[variable_name].encoding.copy()  # type: ignore
        if (
            "_FillValue" not in encoding_dict[variable_name]
            and "_FillValue" not in dataset[variable_name].attrs
            encoding_dict[variable_name]["_FillValue"] = None

        if self.parameters.compression_level and dataset[variable_name].dtype.kind != "U":
                    self.parameters.compression_engine: True,
                    "complevel": self.parameters.compression_level,

    # Handle str dtypes:
    if dataset[variable_name].dtype.kind == "U":
        encoding_dict[variable_name]["dtype"] = "str"

    if "time" in dataset.dims:
        to_netcdf_kwargs["unlimited_dims"] = set(
            ["time"] + list(dataset.encoding.get("unlimited_dims", []))

    dataset.to_netcdf(filepath, **to_netcdf_kwargs)  # type: ignore

ParquetWriter #

Bases: FileWriter

Writes the dataset to a parquet file.

Converts a xr.Dataset object to a pandas DataFrame and saves the result to a parquet file using pd.DataFrame.to_parquet(). Properties under the to_parquet_kwargs parameter are passed to pd.DataFrame.to_parquet() as keyword arguments.


file_extension class-attribute instance-attribute #
file_extension: str = 'parquet'
parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Field(default_factory=Parameters)


Parameters #

Bases: BaseModel

dim_order class-attribute instance-attribute #
dim_order: Optional[List[str]] = None
to_parquet_kwargs class-attribute instance-attribute #
to_parquet_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}


write #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    filepath: Optional[Path] = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None
Source code in tsdat/io/
def write(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, filepath: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    # QUESTION: Can we reliably write the dataset metadata to a separate file such
    # that it can always be retrieved? If not, should we declare this as a format
    # incapable of "round-tripping" (i.e., ds != read(write(ds)) for csv format)?
    df = dataset.to_dataframe(self.parameters.dim_order)  # type: ignore
    df.to_parquet(filepath, **self.parameters.to_parquet_kwargs)  # type: ignore

SplitNetCDFWriter #

Bases: NetCDFWriter

Wrapper around xarray's Dataset.to_netcdf() function for saving a dataset to a netCDF file based on a particular time interval, and is an extension of the NetCDFWriter. Files are split (sliced) via a time interval specified in two parts, time_interval a literal value, and a time_unit character (year: "Y", month: "M", day: "D", hour: "h", minute: "m", second: "s").

Properties under the to_netcdf_kwargs parameter will be passed to Dataset.to_netcdf() as keyword arguments. File compression is used by default to save disk space. To disable compression set the compression_level parameter to 0.


file_extension class-attribute instance-attribute #
file_extension: str = 'nc'
parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Field(default_factory=Parameters)


Parameters #

Bases: Parameters

time_interval class-attribute instance-attribute #
time_interval: int = 1

Time interval value.

time_unit class-attribute instance-attribute #
time_unit: str = 'D'

Time interval unit.


write #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    filepath: Optional[Path] = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None
Source code in tsdat/io/
def write(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, filepath: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    to_netcdf_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self.parameters.to_netcdf_kwargs)
    encoding_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    to_netcdf_kwargs["encoding"] = encoding_dict

    for variable_name in cast(Iterable[str], dataset.variables):
        # Prevent Xarray from setting 'nan' as the default _FillValue
        encoding_dict[variable_name] = dataset[variable_name].encoding  # type: ignore
        if (
            "_FillValue" not in encoding_dict[variable_name]
            and "_FillValue" not in dataset[variable_name].attrs
            encoding_dict[variable_name]["_FillValue"] = None

        if self.parameters.compression_level:
            # Handle str dtypes:
            if dataset[variable_name].dtype.kind == "U":
                encoding_dict[variable_name]["dtype"] = "S1"

                    self.parameters.compression_engine: True,
                    "complevel": self.parameters.compression_level,

        # Must remove original chunksize to split and save dataset
        if "chunksizes" in encoding_dict[variable_name]:
            del encoding_dict[variable_name]["chunksizes"]

    interval = self.parameters.time_interval
    unit = self.parameters.time_unit

    t1 = dataset.time[0]
    t2 = t1 + np.timedelta64(interval, unit)

    while t1 < dataset.time[-1]:
        ds_temp = dataset.sel(time=slice(t1, t2))

        new_filename = get_filename(ds_temp, self.file_extension)
        new_filepath = filepath.with_name(new_filename)  # type: ignore

        ds_temp.to_netcdf(new_filepath, **to_netcdf_kwargs)  # type: ignore

        t1 = t2
        t2 = t1 + np.timedelta64(interval, unit)

ZarrWriter #

Bases: FileWriter

Writes the dataset to a basic zarr archive.

Advanced features such as specifying the chunk size or writing the zarr archive in AWS S3 will be implemented later.


file_extension class-attribute instance-attribute #
file_extension: str = 'zarr'
parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Field(default_factory=Parameters)


Parameters #

Bases: BaseModel

to_zarr_kwargs class-attribute instance-attribute #
to_zarr_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}


write #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    filepath: Optional[Path] = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None
Source code in tsdat/io/
def write(
    self, dataset: xr.Dataset, filepath: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    encoding_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    for variable_name in cast(Iterable[str], dataset.variables):
        # Prevent Xarray from setting 'nan' as the default _FillValue
        encoding_dict[variable_name] = dataset[variable_name].encoding  # type: ignore
        if (
            "_FillValue" not in encoding_dict[variable_name]
            and "_FillValue" not in dataset[variable_name].attrs
            encoding_dict[variable_name]["_FillValue"] = None

    )  # type: ignore
