
Module Contents



Symbolic constants used for referencing QC-related


Class containing code to be executed if a particular quality check fails.


Record the results of the quality check in an ancillary qc variable.


Replace all the failed values with _FillValue


Sort coordinate data using xr.Dataset.sortby(). Accepts the following


Send an email to the recipients using AWS services.


Throw an exception, halting the pipeline & indicating a critical error

class tsdat.qc.handlers.QCParamKeys[source]

Symbolic constants used for referencing QC-related fields in the pipeline config file

QC_BIT = bit[source]
ASSESSMENT = assessment[source]
TEST_MEANING = meaning[source]
CORRECTION = correction[source]
class tsdat.qc.handlers.QualityHandler(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Class containing code to be executed if a particular quality check fails.

  • ds (xr.Dataset) – The dataset the handler will be applied to

  • previous_data (xr.Dataset) – A dataset from the previous processing interval (i.e., file). This is used to check for consistency between files, such as for monotonic or delta checks when we need to check the previous value.

  • quality_manager (QualityManagerDefinition) – The quality_manager definition as specified in the pipeline config file

  • parameters (dict, optional) – A dictionary of handler-specific parameters specified in the pipeline config file. Defaults to {}

abstract run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.

record_correction(self, variable_name: str)[source]

If a correction was made to variable data to fix invalid values as detected by a quality check, this method will record the fix to the appropriate variable attribute. The correction description will come from the handler params which get set in the pipeline config file.


variable_name (str) – Name

class tsdat.qc.handlers.RecordQualityResults(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: QualityHandler

Record the results of the quality check in an ancillary qc variable.

run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.

class tsdat.qc.handlers.RemoveFailedValues(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: QualityHandler

Replace all the failed values with _FillValue

run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.

class tsdat.qc.handlers.SortDatasetByCoordinate(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: QualityHandler

Sort coordinate data using xr.Dataset.sortby(). Accepts the following parameters:

  # Whether or not to sort in ascending order. Defaults to True.
  ascending: True
run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.

class tsdat.qc.handlers.SendEmailAWS(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: QualityHandler

Send an email to the recipients using AWS services.

run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.

class tsdat.qc.handlers.FailPipeline(ds: xarray.Dataset, previous_data: xarray.Dataset, quality_manager: tsdat.config.QualityManagerDefinition, parameters: Union[Dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: QualityHandler

Throw an exception, halting the pipeline & indicating a critical error

run(self, variable_name: str, results_array: numpy.ndarray)[source]

Perform a follow-on action if a quality check fails. This can be used to correct data if needed (such as replacing a bad value with missing value, emailing a contact persion, or raising an exception if the failure constitutes a critical error).

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable that failed

  • results_array (np.ndarray) – An array of True/False values for each data value of the variable. True means the check failed.