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ManagerConfig #

Bases: BaseModel


apply_to class-attribute instance-attribute #
apply_to: List[str] = Field(
    description='The variables this quality manager should be applied to. Can be "COORDS", "DATA_VARS", or any number of individual variable names.',
checker class-attribute instance-attribute #
checker: CheckerConfig = Field(
    description="Register a class to be used to detect and flag quality issues for the quality handler(s) registered below to handle."
exclude class-attribute instance-attribute #
exclude: List[str] = []
handlers class-attribute instance-attribute #
handlers: List[HandlerConfig] = Field(
    description="Register one or more handlers to take some action given the results of the registered checker. Each handler in this list is defined by a classname (e.g., the python import path to a QualityHandler class), and (optionally) by a parameters dictionary.",
name class-attribute instance-attribute #
name: str = Field(
    description="A human-readable label that is used to identify this quality manager."