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FailPipeline #

Bases: QualityHandler

Raises a DataQualityError, halting the pipeline, if the data quality are sufficiently bad. This usually indicates that a manual inspection of the data is recommended.


Type Description



parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #
parameters: Parameters = Parameters()


Parameters #

Bases: BaseModel

context class-attribute instance-attribute #
context: str = ''

Additional context set by users that ends up in the traceback message.

display_limit class-attribute instance-attribute #
display_limit: int = 5
tolerance class-attribute instance-attribute #
tolerance: float = 0

Tolerance for the number of allowable failures as the ratio of allowable failures to the total number of values checked. Defaults to 0, meaning that any failed checks will result in a DataQualityError being raised.


run #
    dataset: xr.Dataset,
    variable_name: str,
    failures: NDArray[np.bool_],
Source code in tsdat/qc/handlers/
def run(self, dataset: xr.Dataset, variable_name: str, failures: NDArray[np.bool_]):
    if self._exceeds_tolerance(failures):  # default failure tolerance is 0%
        msg = (
            f"Quality results for variable '{variable_name}' indicate a fatal error"
            " has occurred. Manual review of the data is recommended.\n"

        # Show % failed if tolerance is set
        fail_rate: float = np.average(failures)  # type: ignore
        msg += (
            f" {np.count_nonzero(failures)} / {failures.size} values failed"  # type: ignore
            f" ({100*fail_rate:.2f}%), exceeding the allowable threshold of"
            f" {100*self.parameters.tolerance}%.\n"

        # Want to show the first few indexes where the test failed and also the
        # corresponding data values. Careful to not show too many, otherwise the
        # message will be bloated and hard to read. Note that np.nonzero(failures)
        # returns a hard-to-read tuple of indexes, so we modify that to be easier to
        # read and show the first self.parameters.display_limit # of errors.
        failed_where = np.nonzero(failures)  # type: ignore
        failed_values = list(dataset[variable_name].values[failed_where][: self.parameters.display_limit])  # type: ignore
        failed_indexes: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]
        if len(failed_where) == 1:  # 1D
            failed_indexes = list(failed_where[0][: self.parameters.display_limit])
            failed_indexes = [
                [dim_idxs[i] for dim_idxs in failed_where]
                for i in range(
                    min(self.parameters.display_limit, len(failed_where[0]))
        msg += (
            f"The first failures occur at indexes: {failed_indexes}. The"
            f" corresponding values are: {failed_values}.\n"

        raise DataQualityError(msg)
    return dataset