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recursive_instantiate #

recursive_instantiate(model: Any) -> Any

Instantiates all ParametrizedClass components and subcomponents of a given model.

Recursively calls model.instantiate() on all ParameterizedConfigClass instances under the model, resulting in a new model which follows the same general structure as the given model, but possibly containing totally different properties and methods.

Note that this method does a depth-first traversal of the model tree to to instantiate leaf nodes first. Traversing breadth-first would result in new pydantic models attempting to call the init method of child models, which is not valid because the child models are ParameterizedConfigClass instances. Traversing depth-first allows us to first transform child models into the appropriate type using the classname of the ParameterizedConfigClass.

This method is primarily used to instantiate a Pipeline subclass and all of its properties from a yaml pipeline config file, but it can be applied to any other pydantic model.


Name Type Description Default
model Any

The object to recursively instantiate.



Name Type Description
Any Any

The recursively-instantiated object.

Source code in tsdat/config/utils/
def recursive_instantiate(model: Any) -> Any:
    Instantiates all ParametrizedClass components and subcomponents of a given model.

    Recursively calls model.instantiate() on all ParameterizedConfigClass instances under
    the model, resulting in a new model which follows the same general structure as
    the given model, but possibly containing totally different properties and methods.

    Note that this method does a depth-first traversal of the model tree to to
    instantiate leaf nodes first. Traversing breadth-first would result in new pydantic
    models attempting to call the __init__ method of child models, which is not valid
    because the child models are ParameterizedConfigClass instances. Traversing
    depth-first allows us to first transform child models into the appropriate type
    using the classname of the ParameterizedConfigClass.

    This method is primarily used to instantiate a Pipeline subclass and all of its
    properties from a yaml pipeline config file, but it can be applied to any other
    pydantic model.

        model (Any): The object to recursively instantiate.

        Any: The recursively-instantiated object.

    # Case: ParameterizedConfigClass. Want to instantiate any sub-models then return the
    # class with all sub-models recursively instantiated, then statically instantiate
    # the model. Note: the model is instantiated last so that sub-models are only
    # processed once.
    if isinstance(model, ParameterizedConfigClass):
        fields = model.__fields_set__ - {"classname"}  # No point checking classname
        for field in fields:
            setattr(model, field, recursive_instantiate(getattr(model, field)))
        model = model.instantiate()

    # Case: BaseModel. Want to instantiate any sub-models then return the model itself.
    elif isinstance(model, BaseModel):
        fields = model.__fields_set__
        if "classname" in fields:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Model '{model.__repr_name__()}' provides a 'classname' but does not"
                " extend ParametrizedConfigClass."
        for field in fields:
            setattr(model, field, recursive_instantiate(getattr(model, field)))

    # Case: List. Want to iterate through and recursively instantiate all sub-models in
    # the list, then return everything as a list.
    elif isinstance(model, List):
        model = [recursive_instantiate(m) for m in cast(List[Any], model)]

    # Case Dict. Want to iterate through and recursively instantiate all sub-models in
    # the Dict's values, then return everything as a Dict, unless the dict is meant to
    # be turned into a parameterized class, in which case we instantiate it as the
    # intended object
    elif isinstance(model, Dict):
        model = {
            k: recursive_instantiate(v) for k, v in cast(Dict[str, Any], model).items()
        if "classname" in model:
            classname: str = model.pop("classname")  # type: ignore
            _cls = import_string(classname)
            return _cls(**model)

    return model